Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Neiman Marcus Limited Edition $110K Fighter Motorcycle

Neiman Marcus Limited Edition $110K Fighter Motorcycle
The yuletide season is fast approaching and for some richy rich people out there might be thinking/planning their Christmas Shopping list. Well, Neiman Marcus has a collection of “Super Wow Gifts” for the super rich pipz out there, one of it is the stunning limited edition Fighter Motorcycle, that is being covered by bornrich.org earlier.

This vanity bike packs 190 mph of terrific performance into its avant-garde carbon fiber, titanium and aluminum chassis(finest of the materials have been used in the making).The 62-inch wheelbase, 27-inch-high seat and other nuances make the Fighter a pretty, pretty eye candy. Only 45 units have been put into production and 39 only will be available before the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book is closed. Limited Edition Fighter Motorcycle will cost $110,000 and it gives stiff competition to Chicara Nagata’s handmade million dollar motorcycles.

(click the image for a larger view)

Neiman Marcus Limited Edition $110K Fighter Motorcycle border=Neiman Marcus Limited Edition $110K Fighter Motorcycle

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