Thursday, October 25, 2007

Toshiba T-911 3G slider

A new addition to Softbank's mobile phone line up is the Toshiba T-911 a 3G slider. Like most Japanese phones we have covered it has an onboard TV tuner with recording capabilities. Like its counterparts from Sony and Hitachi the phone makes use of LCD technology for the display, the crisp 3 inch display sports a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels and has protective glass covering to avoid internal reflections. The display makes uses of picture technology which is used in the company's REGZA line of LCD TV's. Other features include Bluetooth, TV out, 3 Megapixel camera, Felica, Media player, GPS and Micro SD card slot.

The Toshiba T-911 measures 51×113×18.6mm and weighs 141 grams. It will be available in four colors for Japanese consumers white, gold, brown and pink.


Tags: DVD Auction, New Video Games on Wii and PS3

1 comment:

chai said...

hhmm... i think this is not new for today... some electronics company is now also competitor of the telecommunication company who release the mobile phone's like this because maybe they think that they also have the chance to improve their product today and make their own version.